Wednesday, August 15, 2012



关于这一点,我在之前的文字中已经有所涉及: “想赔钱,炒外汇”


华尔街偷钱术的第二招是简单粗暴的“拒绝成交”( "Failed" Trades and "Re-quote")。当价格变化有利于散户对家时,庄家启动其交易软件中的 "Failed" Trades & "Re-quote" 程序,即使是对家的“市价买卖单”也没法成交,庄家这样做是故意延迟成交,给对手制造麻烦,通常是在被证明能够长期赚钱的散户账号中实施此种非法手段,而且当市场价格大幅波动、散户获利机会增加的时候“拒绝成交”的情况尤其严重。



Sometimes, the brokerages or the banks behind them simply reject the trade when price is moving in favor of the customers, with the message of “Failed” or “Re-quote”. This is done intentionally to slow down customers’ order executions so that the brokerages or the “liquidity providing banks” get the chance to see the intention of the customers and move prices against them.

Some customers’ accounts get multiple trade rejections of the “Re-quote” type before a single order can be done. Brokerages and banks do this because these accounts usually have a history of making money off them. They want to slow down and make trouble for these account holders. One example is show below:

This is done by brokerages and banks intentionally, because after one customer protested and complained repeatedly for multiple “re-quotes” and trade rejections, a customer manager at the brokerage finally made a telephone call to the “liquidity providing bank” and the problem was magically gone.




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